Fr. Tony Astudillo Visits the Philippines, Donates to Victims
Bishop Rudy accompanied Fr. Tony to the Diocese of Antipolo and met Bishop Gabriel Reyes to hand over some cash donations and 14 balikbayan boxes from Fr. Tony's parish. The towns of Cainta, Taytay, and Rodriguez and the City of Marikina - which are all heavily affected by Ondoy - are parts of the Diocese of Antipolo.
Bishop Rudy came to Teng-ab, Bontoc on November 12, a day before he celebrated his birthday. Fr. Tony Astudillo, together with some friends, came to visit Teng-ab on the Bishop's birthday. He has given cash donations to the Apostolic Vicariate and some 43 balikbayan boxes of goods from his parishioners in Walnut, CA. The group left on November 15 for Manila for Fr. Tony's flight back to the US on the following day.
Fr. Tony had been a priest of the Diocese of Abra until he left for the US 28 years ago. Since then, he has joined the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and served in 5 different parishes in California including the St. Lorenzo Ruiz.
New Assignment
Fr. Bento Tamang is the new Mission Rector of the Our Lady of Assumption Mission Station, Sadanga, Mountain Province replacing Fr. Marcial LLoyd Castaneda who is now in Rome for further studies. Fr. Bento, who is also Rector of the St. Peter Seminary, will now be full time Mission Rector.
Replacing him as Rector of the St. Peter Seminary is Fr. Tugs de Guzman, who is also currently the Mission Rector of St. Joseph Mission Station, Sagada, Mt. Province and Chancellor of the Apostolic Vicariate.
Meanwhile, Fr. Allen Basilio is now Assistant Mission Rector of St. Paul Mission Station in Hingyon, Ifugao. And so, Deacon Den Christian Eddoba goes to Sta Rita Mission Station in Bontoc to assist Fr. John Habawel, its Mission Rector.
Fr. Noel Bantiyan, who has been temporarily taking care of Sadanga Mission Station, is now preparing to take over the Our Lady of Visitation Mission Station, Alfonso-Lista, Ifugao after Christmas. Meanwhile, he is in Kiangan, Ifugao to look after his mother who is sick and assist Fr. Sammy Maximo, the Mission Rector of St. Joseph Mission Station in Kiangan.
Deacon Ricky Samonte is now staying in Teng-ab to assist also the nearby Mission Stations while further learning Ilokano and attending some programs in the Emmaus Center in Quezon City.
RIP: Harvey and Primitivo, Jr.
May they rest in peace!
Bishop Claver Gets Well
After a gruelling travel from Manila, the Bishop's blood pressure has remained normal. He has been trying to speak and doing some short walks. "His voice is now audible and he can be understood," Bishop Rudy recounts.
Bishop Claver is back in Manila and stays at the Jesuit Residence in the Ateneo campus in Quezon City.
National Clergy Discernment
Present in the meeting are our own Frs. Val Dimoc, Tugs de Guzman, and Caster Gonsadan and Rev. Ricky Samonte.
On October 8, 2009, a village just a few meters away from the Catholic Church in Kayan, Tadian, Mt. Province was wiped away by a landslide. 35 people died immediatedly due to this catastrophe. On October 10, the eve of their scheduled parish fiesta celebration of the Holy Rosary, Bishop Rudy including 9 clergy celebrated a funeral mass for these dead victims.
"We are aware that we are not the only ones affected by these calamities," says Bishop Rudy. "There are, in fact, more in Benguet and the lowlands. They also need help immediately. We call on those who are donating relief goods to give them instead to those victims. Our people in the Vicariate have been responsive to the immediate needs of the victims, burial of the dead, and relief items for the survivors." He adds. "However, we will be accepting financial donations for the long-term plans of relocating and rehabilitating the families who survived from these calamities," says the Bishop in his interview with the CBCP.
"It is such a blessing to see that despite our people's poverty, they have been generous and quick in giving and sharing what little they have to the victims," says Fr. Tugs de Guzman in his interview with a Radio Veritas correspondent. "What selflessness! I hope others will follow suit," he adds in prayer. Fr. de Guzman is the Chancellor of the Vicariate.
Meanwhile, Fr. Andrew Claver, Mission Rector of Kayan Catholic Mission, with the help of some priests and volunteers, has started the Stress Debriefing of the surviving families, and also, of the Holy Rosary Catholic School who lost their principal, Mr. Lecio Gaoay, and a few students to the tragedy. "We need to do this before we can move on," he says. Fr. Andrew is also the Director of the Catholic School.
Other parishes have been gathering relief goods which include rice, clothes, canned goods and noodles and bringing them to Kayan. There have also been unexpected financial contributions from the BECs of the Vicariate. The Apostolic Vicariate is also cooperating with the Local Government Units in whatever plan they have for these surviving families.
For more financial donations, please see the details on the right strip of this page on how to send in your help.
35 Die in KAYAN Mudslide
"I went to see them at about 5 0'clock," Fr. Andrew recounted. "I even told them to move into the Rectory for the rains continued to pour heavily." "Obserbaran mi pay bassit, Apo." ("We will wait and see for a little while, Father") They told their parish priest. Not very long after Fr. Andrew had gone back to the Rectory, there was sound
Learning about the news, Bishop Rudy Beltran cancelled his appointments for the next days and went to see Kayan Catholic Mission on 09 October 2009. With him were Frs. Bento Tamang, Tugs de Guzman, Manny Samonte, Allen Basilio and Rev. Ricky Samonte. Fr. William Bilag was seen to have visited the Catholic Mission coming ahead of the group.
Meanwhile, Bontoc Catholic Mission led by Fr. John Habawel organized its Parish Council and lay leaders as a "relief operation center" in support of the people of Kayan. Late in the afternoon of 09 October, Fr. John went also to Kayan to see the tragedy.
It was amazing how in the midst of a tragic event, people from the BECs of Kayan, i
On 10 October 2009, Bishop Rudy together with the Mountain Province District priests mentioned celebrated a Mass at the gymnasium. At that time, 22 people had been recovered under the mudslide. Fr. Armand Quindo was also in the Mass.
According to Bishop Rudy, assistance from different groups had begun to arrive, including that of Caritas Manila and a pledge from the Apostolic nuncio Archbishop Edward Adams.
Fr. Caster K. Gonzadan Ordained
As early as the morning on the eve of Fr. Caster's ordination, people started butchering 6 cows and 16 pigs, and cooking them for the next day's celebration. By that one could tell how big an affair the parishioners, led by its Mission Rector Fr. Christopher Arellano, had been preparing for.
Seminarians from San Carlos Seminary, mostly Fr. Caster's classmates, including some of his formators came on the eve of the ordination day. Bishop Rudy together with most of the
Although the storm "Ondoy" was already creeping in, the Ordination was celebrated no less beautifully. During the homily, Bishop Rudy reminded Fr. Caster of the priest's dependence on God's grace and his role as a shepherd of Christ's flock. He explained to the ordinand the meaning of the Rite itself, his promises, and most especially the role of the community in making Fr. Caster a priest "from the people and for the people."
At the end of the ceremonies. Fr. Caster thanked everyone especially his community - friends, former classmates, neighbors and family - for giving all their support to the celebration. His voice cracked in thanking his family for their unconditional love especially as he was a "boy of poor health" who needed special care and attention.
Fr. "Boyet," the name he had been missing to hear since he had left Alfonso-Lista for his seminary formation, recalled how he had been blessed by the presence of his friends and family. He also took the courage in reminding his immediate family that now he "belongs to the bigger family of God" and he was no more solely "theirs" but "shared to others."
After the Eucharistic celebration, there was a big lunch served to all and a program followed.
Meanwhile, the priests immediately started preparing for a meeting on the planning of a voters' education program as a result of the August 2008 Tongtongan. The weather became worse in the afternoon and so people began going back home.
Father Caster is assigned as parochial vicar of Banaue Catholic Mission to assist Msgr. Francis Balacuit.
Fr. Allen C. Basilio Ordained
In his homily, the Bishop reminded Fr. Allen of his human limitations as a priest. "Taokanto pay laeng," ("You will remain a man") Bishop Rudy told the new priest. But he proceeded reminding Fr. Allen of the priests' need to always be attuned with God as it is Him who has called them.
During the Rite of Ordination, Fr. John Habawel, mission rector of Bontoc Catholic Mission and former Rector of Immaculate Conception School of Theology from where Fr. Allen had graduated, introduced the ordinand to the Bishop in the name of the Mother Church.
After the Mass, the rains started to pour while the people shared the lunch prepared for everyone.
Fr. Allen was announced to become the Assistant Parish Priest of Hingyon Catholic Mission, Hingyon, Ifugao.
Porta Vaga Fellowship
The first two days of the event which will include a day of recollection, a half-day seminar, and a half-day sportsfest will be held in Maryheights, Baguio City. The culminating event will be held at the Cathedral with a celebration of the Mass followed by a lunch at the covered patio.
This fellowship is celebrated annually to foster friendship among the three local churches of the Cordilleras and as a continuing formation of their pastoral workers and staff.
Please be informed that the Teng-ab Offices will be closed on those days. Business will resume on Thursday, 17 September 2009.
Bishop Joins "Cor Unum" Retreat in Taiwan
"Cor Unum" is the agency of the Holy See responsible for expressing the care of the Church towards those in need. It fosters charitable works by the faithful, assists those in urgent or calamitous situations, and those in special need of assistance. It is currently headed by Archishop Paul Josef Cordes.
This international event, to be attended by Bishops, priests, and religious, will be hosted by the Fu Jen University, the Catholic University and one of the biggest in Taiwan. Aside from the celebrations of the Mass, spiritual conferences, and prayers which are part of a regular Spiritual Exercises, "there will be an opportunity for small group dialogues, sharing, and a forum for questions," says Bishop Rudy. And this is where the Bishop is particularly interested in joining. "After all, this occasion is free of charge," he adds. Expenses of participants coming from poor churches are reimbursed by the Pontifical Council.
The Bishop has been in Belwang, Sadanga on the weekend to bless the new Chapel and administer the Sacrament of Confirmation to the faithful there. On Sunday, he presided over the morning Mass and Harvest festival in Bontoc. From there he proceeded to attend the installation of Bishop Jose Romeo Lazo in the Diocese of San Jose Antique on 1 September 2009. On Friday, 4 September 2009, he will be the main celebrant at a Marian Novena Mass in Fort Bonifacio, Taguig on the invitation of Bishop Tumulak and its parish priest Fr. Daniel Tansip.
INTERVIEW: Bishop Claver on "The Making of A Local Church"
(courtesy of http://www.ucanews.com/2009/08/26/a-participatory-church-would-challenge-hierarchical-power-bishop-says/)
QUEZON CITY, Philippines (UCAN) -- Retired Bishop Francisco Claver, in his new book, "The Making of the Local Church," shares his vision of a participatory and inculturated Church.
The Jesuit anthropologist spoke with UCA News about the tensions such a concept has created within the Church, including the challenge it poses to the established power structure.
Bishop Claver, 80, was the first bishop to come from the indigenous Bontoc people of the northern Philippines. He was ordained in 1961 and appointed the first bishop of Malaybalay, in the southern province of Bukidnon. He served there until 1983.
From 1995 until he retired in 2004, he headed the apostolic vicariate of Bontoc-Lagawe. He also served in the 1980s as chairman of the Philippine bishops' Commission on Social Action, Justice and Peace.
On Aug. 24, two days before he was to launch his book at the Jesuits' Loyola School of Theology in Quezon City, he shared with UCA News the highlights of his ministry and the insights he gained, including his vision of Church.
The interview follows:
UCANews: How do you define the "local Church"?
BISHOP FRANCISCO CLAVER: It is a Church of bishops, priests, Religious and laity trying in their own way to make the Gospel come alive in their communities, where members interact as Christians and human beings.
You highlight inculturation in your book.
Inculturation is the dialogue between the people and the Spirit, and it must take place at all levels of the life of the local Church. Faith is a gift of the Spirit, and culture belongs to the people. If you put the two together, then the Spirit will talk about Gospel values, and inculturation is trying to put the cultural values and your faith values together.
Why did the movement to build the local Church slow down?
Take a look at the literature -- theological journals talk about the local Church very commonly. It's only Rome that is insisting on "particular Church" and other terms. That cardinal from the Roman curia I wrote about in the book, telling us at the 1998 Synod (for Asia), "Let's talk about the 'Church in' not 'Church of' Asia" -- that's all part of this attempt to fight it.
Why does Rome prefer "Church in Asia"?
If you just say "Church in," then its part of a power structure. You are just a small part, whereas "of" means there is more independence. That's why I insist on using "local Church." The bishops of Asia used that term in their 1974 Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences plenary assembly. Even then, the bishops said the Church in Asia must not only be geographically "in Asia," but speak with an Asian voice, act in Asian ways so we can be authentic Asian Christians.
But during the Asian Synod, that cardinal objected to the term and proposed instead "Church in Asia." I don't oppose the term, but it is not wrong to say "Church of Asia" and "local Church." It is in consonance with what Vatican II said about the nature and mission of the Church.
Will this vision of "local Church" materialize without Rome's acceptance?
Well, let's not talk about Rome. Let's talk about what's happening on the ground, about renewal from the bottom. The big thing about changing clerical culture is to start mostly from the ground, with laypeople interacting with their priest. If it is taken from the ground, it is very emotive. That is why I make much of the Basic Ecclesial Communities (BECs). If what happens in the BEC takes place also at the top, this whole idea of participation, we can have a genuine community of disciples.
What are the key elements for this to succeed?
Anthropologists are the first ones to say culture change is not going to be easy because it impacts the values of people. You cannot change values overnight. The more you talk about it the better.
How do BECs promote the local Church?
In BECs we stress discernment. Let the people discern and realize what the values are and what changes are taking place. We stress shared faith communities.
Who will lead that discernment?
Cultural village philosophers: the people.
People have complained about priests blocking BECs.
Priests are the biggest obstacle. That's why we start with the philosophy of change. My own experience in Bukidnon is an example. I wanted to start BECs. I had 30 priests, all Jesuits, and only a few of them -- four or five young ones -- were open to it. So with the five, we went ahead and developed this. Only little by little, when the others began to see what was happening, did they take an interest. When I left in 1983, out of 35 parishes 33 were fully in line with the BEC. Lay leaders and priests must understand and accept what change is going to take place.
What examples of discernment and people's participation do you give in your book?
There was a layman who talked about ideology. At a recollection I asked why Marxist ideology seemed more attractive than Christianity. One of them said the Marxist ideology and methods were clear, but as Christians we just have to be able to walk in darkness and discern what the Gospel tells us to do.
I was flabbergasted, because this was a man with not even a high-school education, and an indigenous person at that.
I had also written a pastoral letter saying it was not right for Christians to participate in the referendums that (Ferdinand) Marcos had scheduled to show that people supported his regime. These mocked their dignity as a people. I wrote that boycotting the referendums was the most moral action to take.
But when families got together to discern my letter, I was surprised they decided the husband would boycott the referendums and the wife would vote. The family is very much part of the Filipino culture. The father could have gone to jail, but someone has to take care of the children. So it is also out of responsibility that they decided to do this, with their culture meeting what the faith says.
When you see this happening, you begin to ask yourself whether we can have this in the whole Church -- thoughtful people making responsible decisions. Isn't that what participatory Church is all about?
It seems obvious. How come it has to be pointed out?
I think it's about power. That's why I criticized clerical power in the book. I mentioned in the book that for some clerics, it's not so much about unity but uniformity. We tend to emphasize doing the same thing, but we can have unity in diversity.
You say this book is a summary of your episcopacy, but is it more than that?
Even if I talked about my experiences in Malaybalay and Bontoc-Lagawe, readers have said they recognize that I am talking about the whole Church in Mindanao (southern Philippine region). I also discussed in the book the symbiosis between Church and state. The BECs are not only aiming for change in the Church, but also in wider society.
What is the impact of poverty on BECs?
It's easier to build BECs in poor communities. It's very hard in cities, because some people don't care, but also because people are more cosmopolitan.
A BEC works better in the rural set up, where people still have a sense of community, gathering around the village chapel, and nobody is a stranger to anybody. That's one of the objections of some priests about getting this started in cities, but I say that's even more reason to get it going there.
Use your imagination to get people together. A BEC has to be tied in with the parish, with the diocese, with the local Church. It should not be apart like a ghetto (or) it becomes a sect. That's why I also point out its difference from voluntary organizations and from mandated organizations. BECs are non-selective, unlike the Knights of Columbus and other groups. BECs accept people who are baptized.
When you started as a priest, did you imagine you would envision such a Church?
No, I didn't. We were trained in the old Church, with Latin and so on. Then Vatican II came and it was revolutionary.
Do you anticipate the movement on the ground will weather resistance from the hierarchy?
It depends on the direction the Church takes. I'm hopeful for the Philippine Church, because in PCP II (Second Plenary Council of the Philippines, 1991) at least the Church already said this is what we want to be. It takes a long time, bishops have to learn. People talk about differences between conservatives and liberals, but I say that's not our problem.
Our problem is between close-minded conservatives and close-minded liberals. They have all the answers. That's why when you talk about the participatory Church, you have to make much about the learning Church. That's the problem of bishops. They always think they are going to teach, and are not looking at the other side, the learning part.
In writing this book, were you mindful of the shortage of priests?
I faced the question: Why do you call it ecclesial when to be ecclesial you have to have the Eucharist? BECs don't have the Eucharist. The Church teaches about the centrality of the Eucharist, but if it cannot provide a priest for this, it might come to relaxing the rule on celibacy. What I point out here is the contradiction of the Church. If you are the one who talks about that centrality of the Eucharist, and you are the one who engineers it so that people don't have the Eucharist, you are contradicting yourself. We make it more important that the celibacy rule is followed even if people are deprived of the Eucharist. It was the Church who imposed that celibacy rule.
What other points in the book do you expect will draw a reaction?
The point I brought up about this whole canon law on consultative-deliberative votes of bishops. That's precisely what's wrong with the Church, and we haven't faced up to that thing of power in the Church. I'm raising the question of participation in the Church. I'm telling the Church you are not respecting human dignity, and I criticize a consultative-deliberative vote because where it concerns the life of the community, the people have a right to have a say. Even in a democracy, people are consulted, but by stressing this law, the Church is emphasizing power.
What exactly do you oppose in this law?
In consulting, I may ask your ideas, but already from the beginning my mind is made up. That consultative process is a farce. For example, in synods the documents are already written up, or there is a consultation, but it is only the Pope who writes the final statement. He could do that without consulting.
Well, it all hangs together. There is a lot there in the concept of participatory Church -- there is power, there is inculturation. That's why the "local Church" is a very threatening concept for the hierarchy.
Deacon Allen grew up in Buguias, Benguet byt his mother is a native of Bayyo, Bontoc. Deacon Caster's parents are from Barlig but migrated to lowland Alfonso-Lista where their children, including Deacon Caster, were born and grew up.
As of this moment, preparations are undergoing for these big celebrations. The two deacons are on their silent retreat to get them ready spiritually. Meanwhile, donations in-cash or in-kind are being accepted for these two Fathers-to-be.
Fr. John Habawel is the new Rector of Bontoc Catholic Mission. He is also the Oeconomus of the Vicariate.
Fr. Marcial LLoyd Castaneda is on study-leave. He is currently in Italy, learning the Italian language in preparation for his further studies in liturgy at the St. Anselmum.
Fr. Vincent Sagandoy is also preparing for his further studies in Canon Law at the Louvain University in Belgium. He is temporarily assigned in San Pablo Seminary in Baguio as spiritual director.
Fr. Noel Bantiyan is the new Rector of Sadanga Catholic Mission. Helping him is Deacon Ricky Samonte.
Fr. Manny Samonte is the Rector of Teng-ab Pastoral Complex while he is undergoing some medical procedures. Meanwhile, Deacon Denden Eddoba is assigned in Hingyon Catholic Mission to assist there in the absence of Fr. Manny.
Deacon Caster Gonsadan is assigned in Banaue Catholic Mission. He is also the new director of the Youth Ministry.
Deacon Allen Basilio is the Prefect of Seminarians of the St. Peter Orientation Seminary. He is also the Vice-Chancellor of the Vicariate.
Fr. Bento Tamang is still the assistant Rector of Bontoc Catholic Mission. He is the Rector of St. Peter Seminary, and director of Vocations.
All these assignments, according to Bishop Rudy, are temporary until new assignments are announced during the presbyteral ordinations of our deacons.