In the morning of 20 March 2010, Rev. Ricardo M. Amiling Jr. was ordained deacon at the San Carlos Seminary Main Chapel. Presided by Bishop Bernardino Cortez, D.D., the occasion saw five other deacons, including two Vietnamese, all from San Carlos, ordained.
Rev. Rick is the second son of Natonin to be ordained this year. On 05 March 2010, Fr. Denden Iddoba was ordained the first priest of Natonin in their hometown.
Present in the event at San Carlos were Frs. Bento Tamang, Vocations Director; Denden Iddoba of Bontoc Catholic Mission; Tugs de Guzman, Chancellor of Bontoc-Lagawe; and Bro. Vincent Pinaching of San Jose Seminary, also a son of Natonin. The family of Rev. Rick was also present.
In the Catholic Church, the term "clergy" is used to refer to those who are ordained ministers. Deacons, priests, and bishops are technically part of the clergy.